//Office Beauty Tips

Office Beauty Tips

Business woman applying lipstickGo easy on the mascara

Make sure that you avoid that overdone eye makeup look. Ever seen the look where the lashes are noticeable, but not completely in your face? That is the look that you should aspire to get. The best way to do that? Move the wand side to side as you sweep up and keep applying the mascara all the way from the base to the tip. This helps separate your lashes while also lengthening.

Keep your hands off your face

Don’t forget to keep your hands off your face. This is one mistake that most women make constantly. However, touching your face regularly is likely to increase the buildup of oil and germs and also lead to breakouts.

Choose a neutral fragrance

Always go for a fragrance that is mild and neutral. Remember, someone in your workplace could have an allergy to your scent. And having a strong fragrance in a closed environment from 9 – 5 isn’t the way to go about things. Try something that is understated, but still makes you feel fresh.

Take care of your nails 

Nail art might be in fashion, but it is not the most professional look. If you’re more of a back-office type of person or you have a really laid back attitude at your office, you could get away with it. But, if your job involves you staying on the front lines, being bold isn’t the way to go when it comes to your nails. It could end up being too distracting, something that you wouldn’t want while working. The best solution is to keep your nails trimmed and neatly polished. If the polish chips, remove it immediately. It also helps to avoid crazy colors and designs.

Carry the essentials

Always carry a few essentials such as lip gloss, a concealer, eye drops, hairbrush and cream blush with you. They don’t require too much of space and can prove to be a major lifesaver when you need to do a touch up before a major meeting or conference.

Keep your hair simple

Your hair can be an extremely touchy subject when it comes to the workplace. The best way to keep your hair is to wear it naturally. If it is big, the best thing to do is pull it back as it could get in your way while working. It is also important to own your look. Choose something that looks natural, not adopted.

Go easy on the eyeshadows

An itsy-bitsy line of a black liner and a thin eyeshadow is the way to go when it comes to eye makeup for your workplace. Something that is neither too glittery nor too flashy and that suits you just right. Plus, neutral colors can help you make your eyes look awake and fresh.

Use a primer and setter

Using a primer and a setter really makes your makeup go the distance. Worrying about makeup touch-ups while working on something important is very distracting. Use the primer before applying makeup to make skin a smooth canvas for makeup application. With setters, you have two main options: setting powder or spray. Setting powder usually comes in a color which should match your foundation color. You can also use translucent setting powder, which is sheer. For a quicker and easier application, you can use a setting spray. The application is super quick and simple: just spray your face a couple times once makeup application is complete.

Now that you have office beauty tips guide you will be ready to tackle the work day! No matter what obstacles come your way at work you will feel ready and look ready. Do you have any office beauty tips? Share them with us!

By |2015-06-30T15:26:56+00:00June 30th, 2015|Beauty Tips|0 Comments

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