//Beating Dry Indoor Heat For Healthy Fall Skin

Beating Dry Indoor Heat For Healthy Fall Skin

One of the interesting things about fall is not just the change in weather outside, but the air changes indoors as well.  As the temperatures lower and become cooler and drier outdoors, the indoor temps start to rise – obviously.  But have you ever thought about the effect the indoor heat and air could be having on your skin?  It’s ok, we didn’t think much of it before either.  But it’s really time we all started to think about it!  Because believe it or not, the indoor heat can wreak havoc on your skin during the fall, but we’re sharing some tips to beating the dry heat to keep your skin healthy all fall long.

Amp Up the Moisturize

Since the air outdoors is going to begin getting drier, and the indoor temps are going to be warmer and drier your skin is going to be slapped with a lot of dryness (to say the least).  Keeping your skin moisturized really well is super important when it comes to having healthy skin, so this means you’re going to need to really step up your moisturizing game during the fall.  Some experts suggest switching your daily moisturizer to something heavier and more like a cream to really lock in the moisture for your skin.  Regardless of what route you choose, make sure you’re really focusing on getting your skin enough moisture.  This also means you’re going to really need to focus on drinking as much water as you can to get your skin the hydration it needs.  But because your skin is going to be faced with major dry air both indoors and outdoors it’s necessary to drink more water than you think you need.

Avoid Hot, Long Showers

We get it, as the weather starts to get cooler outside nothing sounds better than getting home and enjoying a nice long, hot shower.  But the truth of the matter is when you do take long, hot showers you’re actually eliminating (stripping, really) the natural oils in your skin, and since the air is so much drier we need to lock in the oils not remove them.  Stick to a normal length shower, and avoiding blasting it on a super-hot temp to keep your skin happy.  Instead of a long hot shower, how about cozying up to a nice fire and blanket?  Hey, we’re trying!

Try Adding Omega-3’s

There have been a lot of links between adding more omega-3’s into your diet and the relationship between your skin.  Omega-3 fatty acids are great for inflammation, but shockingly they actually have been known to help lock in moisture and prevent a lot of dehydration to occur in your skin’s cells.  You can incorporate more omega-3 fatty acids through supplements and/or eating foods that are high in these nutrients.  The bonus is these fatty acids are great for a ton of other health benefits, so it’s a win all around.

What changes do you make to your skin care routine to beating dry indoor heat for healthy fall skin?

By |2016-09-14T13:32:17+00:00September 14th, 2016|Beauty Tips|0 Comments

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